Chlorine ball valve
and plug valve of the same class, the difference is ball is a sphere
with a circular through also for the opening and closing parts, ball
valve with the stem around the center line of rotation to achieve the
valve opening and closing Purposes.
Basic series of liquid chlorine Q41F46 ball valve type, can be
divided on points (two) two-and three-piece ball and have a general
structure with the fluid resistance of the small, open and close fast,
simple structure, the Has the following advantages:
1, the use of FEP lining of the ball, with a high chemical
stability, can be applied in addition: "molten alkali metals and
elemental fluorine", other than any strong corrosive properties;
2, the use of full bore, floating ball structure, the pressure valve
can leak within the closed piping system easier to pass the ball
sweeping lines and pipe maintenance;
3, the opening and closing piece ball and stem casting (forging) as a
whole, to prevent pressure changes due to pressure caused by pieces of
the stem out the possibility of a fundamental guarantee for the
project in the use of safety;
4, compact structure, the smallest body cavity space, reducing the
retention of the medium, the other, a special molding process, so that
good sealing surface density, coupled with the word combination of the
ring PTFE packing, the valve to achieve zero leakage;
5, two-piece, three-piece structure can adapt to different
requirements of the pipeline system and working conditions, including
three ball to allow separation of the main body and both sides of the
body can achieve fast online replacement and maintenance.
Ball valve has an exceptionally strong chlorine corrosion resistance, suitable
temperature conditions in the -20-150 ℃, long-term transport any
concentration of acid, alkali, salt liquid medium. Long service life,
aging, toxin-free advantages of both the strength of carbon steel shell,
but also corrosion-resistant materials in lined, oil, chemicals,
rubber, plastics, pharmaceuticals, paper making, electroplating,
metallurgy, etc. Ideal for many industries. Scope: Urban, chemical,
metallurgy, petroleum, pharmaceutical, food, beverage, environmental
From the original1checkvalve
Is a butterfly valve only considered a type of flow control valve if it is
Every type of valve can be generally considered to be a flow control
device. Most types of valves, gate, globe, ball, B’fy can
be manually
set anywhere from full open to fully closed and can be set to any
partially open position.
The term control valve generally refers to valves, including butterfly
types that are automatically regulated to modulate a rate of flow
according to a control signal to the valve actuating device.
the signal is from a remote sensing element such as the temperature
sensor controlling a refrigeration expansion
valve. Sometime the signal
is from within the actuating device itself as in a water pressure
regulator in your home city water
The signal itself can be modulating , as above or it can be on/off such
as an emergency shutdown valve on a steam
turbine or the on/off valve
on your washing machine.
From the original1checkvalve
device. Most types of valves, gate, globe, ball, B’fy can
be manually
set anywhere from full open to fully closed and can be set to any
partially open position.
The term control valve generally refers to valves, including butterfly
types that are automatically regulated to modulate a rate of flow
according to a control signal to the valve actuating device.
the signal is from a remote sensing element such as the temperature
sensor controlling a refrigeration expansion
valve. Sometime the signal
is from within the actuating device itself as in a water pressure
regulator in your home city water
The signal itself can be modulating , as above or it can be on/off such
as an emergency shutdown valve on a steam
turbine or the on/off valve
on your washing machine.
From the original1checkvalve
intermediate level of flow
Operating positions for 2-port valves might be either shut (closed)
to ensure that no flow whatsoever undergoes, fully open for
max flow, or
sometimes partially available to any degree among. Such valves are
already called by various names for example
regulating, throttling,
metering, or wafer ball valve .For
example, needle valves have elongated conically-tapered discs and
matching seats for fine flow control. For a lot of valves, there might
be a mechanism to point because when much the valve is
open, but on many
occasions other indications of flow rate are engaged, including
separate flow meters.
“Here ya be,”
Shireen said cheerfully and it between the he was playing and subsequently one. Christ, they cram so some of these
things in here you
hardly got room to create a glass. But then, Grady
remembered using a wry grin, there was the evening when being near to
woman playing beside him within the Oasis in Mesquite were left with
two days of keno from her room. Knee bumping have their rewards.
“Thanks, babe,” he said to Shireen, and dropped two quarters for my
child tray. “4g iphone, though. Although you may beg me.
So I wish to purchase a valve into the house to manipulate the flow of water opting. I selected to order a acucated ball valve
from free control systems to
manage the device. I hear they’re free and
ship quickly and cheaply. I’m hoping they’ll ship mine quickly.
Somedays I think of
motorized ball valves and that i get really excited
and cant strategy to test it. my lady says i’m crazy but I don’t believe
she actually is right about my obsession with motorized ball valves
from free control systems inc. I reckon that we’ll
I really planned to get my discharge controlled therefore i ordered a
from free control systems. These were great and
they also shipped fast.
I couldn’t believe how quick it arrived. Someday I’ll be ordering a lot
more motorized ball valves from
them. Soon as iI ordered they shipped
it i really can’t say enough about how awesome they’re. I suppose I’ll
be ordering very
soon using their website again. I do think you may will
order from them and enjoy yourself carrying it out repeatedly.
From the original1checkvalve
to ensure that no flow whatsoever undergoes, fully open for
max flow, or
sometimes partially available to any degree among. Such valves are
already called by various names for example
regulating, throttling,
metering, or wafer ball valve .For
example, needle valves have elongated conically-tapered discs and
matching seats for fine flow control. For a lot of valves, there might
be a mechanism to point because when much the valve is
open, but on many
occasions other indications of flow rate are engaged, including
separate flow meters.
“Here ya be,”
Shireen said cheerfully and it between the he was playing and subsequently one. Christ, they cram so some of these
things in here you
hardly got room to create a glass. But then, Grady
remembered using a wry grin, there was the evening when being near to
woman playing beside him within the Oasis in Mesquite were left with
two days of keno from her room. Knee bumping have their rewards.
“Thanks, babe,” he said to Shireen, and dropped two quarters for my
child tray. “4g iphone, though. Although you may beg me.
So I wish to purchase a valve into the house to manipulate the flow of water opting. I selected to order a acucated ball valve
from free control systems to
manage the device. I hear they’re free and
ship quickly and cheaply. I’m hoping they’ll ship mine quickly.
Somedays I think of
motorized ball valves and that i get really excited
and cant strategy to test it. my lady says i’m crazy but I don’t believe
she actually is right about my obsession with motorized ball valves
from free control systems inc. I reckon that we’ll
I really planned to get my discharge controlled therefore i ordered a
from free control systems. These were great and
they also shipped fast.
I couldn’t believe how quick it arrived. Someday I’ll be ordering a lot
more motorized ball valves from
them. Soon as iI ordered they shipped
it i really can’t say enough about how awesome they’re. I suppose I’ll
be ordering very
soon using their website again. I do think you may will
order from them and enjoy yourself carrying it out repeatedly.
From the original1checkvalve
Ball Valves for Plumbing Needs
More recently, on the PEX plumbing and radiant heating networks as brass fittings water shutoff dominated by two products: “valve
cork entrance omental tapered Threaded Brass Ball Valve BVT012D” and “Sweat
Brass Ball Valve BVS012D”. Passport service life of tube-omental valve – 8 years, the average life-at least 1500 cycles, time to failure
– at least 400 cycles. In fact, these valves after 40-50 cycles begin to be capricious: cotton gland packing into a brown porridge, soaked
in water, and the cone stop tube, originally friction to the body under the influence of abrasive solids and sludge sediment in the water
begins to hang out in the body, passing water in the closed position. If you also take into account the extremely high coefficient of local
resistance plug valves (3,5-5,7), it is not surprising that plumbers often just throw the locking cap, leaving the body dubious backdrop of
the pipeline.
As sleeved valves, then the passport MTBF of 1,300 cycles, their actual performance is enough for 20-40 cycles, after which the sediment
accumulated on the sealing saddle, do not allow completely block the flow by turning the valve itself in another “architectural
extravagances.” Moreover, the coefficient of local resistance they simply record – from 16 to 20. That is, at a flow rate of 1 m / sec,
passing through the valve, the pressure of the liquid is reduced by 1 m of water.
With the advent of the market brass ball valves, they immediately appreciated was evaluated, and the demand for these products
increases, as well as their scope. Now such products can be found in any economic stall. However, despite their apparent similarity, not
all ball valves are really reliable and durable. Along with high-quality Italian taps, more and more pushed over in the trade cheap Polish,
Chinese and Turkish valves, whose quality is far from perfect? In the struggle for the vast US market, some sellers have begun to
distribute cheap “consumer goods” for branded products, quite simply to sell a fake, so I’d like to give some practical advice to buyers
’ brass ball valves. As a rule, forgery in performance is much inferior to the original products. Their use in water and heating systems
can lead to accidents and big material losses. Counterfeits can cause serious damage and human health.
Wright Valves BVT034D recognized world leader in designing and manufacturing valves water Italy is known for such major firms as Matca-
Norca, Wright Valves, Bugatti, Giacomini, RBM, Rastelli, Tiemme etc. Italian province of Brescia consists of a huge industrial zone, where
the hangars is fittings under the brand name companies from Germany, Britain, USA, UAE and dozens of other countries. In practice, up to
70% of all ball valves entering the world market, made in Italy, where the business is engaged in more than 2000 companies. Stiff
competition forces the firms to constantly improve its products and production technology. At the heart of high performance ball valves of
the best world producers is the perfection of their design, precise adherence to the requirements of production technology and strict
control of chemical composition of materials.
My goal is either a fake – under cover, used well-known brand, at minimal cost to create an external object like a fake. First, what
saves the underground businessmen, it is – raw. Shells taps and ball valves shall be manufactured from special grades of brass, the
chemical composition of which in USA are regulated by GOST and abroad – national standards. These standards include the copper content 57
-60%, zinc – up to 40%, lead within 0,8-2,2%. (Lead is required to make the brass surface hardness). Illegal vendors typically use non-
ferrous metals, the content of impurities which are not controlled. As a result, manufactured valves, the percentage of lead content in
which, studies show that reaches 5-7%. It is well known that an excess of lead in water is very harmful to health.
Another way of cheating customers – to use for the manufacture of shells cheaper metal – zinc. This is also the risk of
counterfeiting. valve of zinc has increased brittle and may crack on the mechanical and hydraulic influences. There are ball valves, made
from silumin (aluminum alloy). Their reliability is still lower. Savings metal induces dishonest manufacturers to produce the body taps
with wall thickness from 1 to 0,5 mm. This is extremely reduces their reliability. (For comparison, the standard valves manufacturers
Matca-Norca have a wall thickness of 2 mm).
Cases and Ball Valves in the products of leading manufacturers are made by hot pressing or hot forging. Manufacturers producing fake not
spent on buying such technology and its products are manufactured by casting. These products are characterized by an uneven surface of the
body, Conveyor Chain, may have a mixed structure of the material – with aerial shells and, consequently, low reliability. Ball valves
(balls) rigged valves are often not made of brass, and of transformer steel, coated or even without it. Steel balls quickly corrode and
cease to be leak proof. Failure to invest in the copper alloy brass faucet body makes it suspiciously easy. Steel ball compensates for this
lack of weight, masking the presence of thin-wall housing is unacceptable.
Ball – the heart of the valve. Leading manufacturers attach great importance to the quality of the surface of ball valves. Brass Balls
are diamond grinding, they applied anticorrosion coating of nickel or chromium. As a result, the ball gets a perfect mirror surface.
Symptom of products of low quality – a dim, muddy or rough surface of the ball.
It is useful to say how counterfeit valves masquerading as the original. One of the techniques – misspelling the names of famous
companies, such as, Bogati instead of Matca-Norca. Formally, this is not fake, because the original brand is not used. There are cases of
writing only the names of countries, for example, USA, instead of adopting a made in Italy. The distortion of the famous logo, placing it,
for example, not a diamond, but a square or a circle, also serves to confuse the buyer. Evidence of fraud may be the absence of any of the
markings required for specific manufacturers. The sale of gas valves, and found such a primitive form of deception, as replacement faucet
handles on native yellow – gas (gas valves are more expensive). Price savings may be too high, so choose the ball valves are safer from
the range of recognized brands.
The general consumer is difficult to distinguish a fake Launch x431 from the original. Here are some simple tips to help in some cases
this can be done. If you can not buy products directly from the distributor, you can contact him by phone and to clarify whether it is an
official supplier of your seller. All known manufacturers of ball valves have their own web pages. Of these, you can learn about the
mandatory labeling of attributes of products, design features, etc. Some manufacturers place the working drawings of its products. When you
’re all aware of the labeling, dimensions, weight and other attributes of your product, you will easily determine its authenticity.
From the original1checkvalve
cork entrance omental tapered Threaded Brass Ball Valve BVT012D” and “Sweat
Brass Ball Valve BVS012D”. Passport service life of tube-omental valve – 8 years, the average life-at least 1500 cycles, time to failure
– at least 400 cycles. In fact, these valves after 40-50 cycles begin to be capricious: cotton gland packing into a brown porridge, soaked
in water, and the cone stop tube, originally friction to the body under the influence of abrasive solids and sludge sediment in the water
begins to hang out in the body, passing water in the closed position. If you also take into account the extremely high coefficient of local
resistance plug valves (3,5-5,7), it is not surprising that plumbers often just throw the locking cap, leaving the body dubious backdrop of
the pipeline.
As sleeved valves, then the passport MTBF of 1,300 cycles, their actual performance is enough for 20-40 cycles, after which the sediment
accumulated on the sealing saddle, do not allow completely block the flow by turning the valve itself in another “architectural
extravagances.” Moreover, the coefficient of local resistance they simply record – from 16 to 20. That is, at a flow rate of 1 m / sec,
passing through the valve, the pressure of the liquid is reduced by 1 m of water.
With the advent of the market brass ball valves, they immediately appreciated was evaluated, and the demand for these products
increases, as well as their scope. Now such products can be found in any economic stall. However, despite their apparent similarity, not
all ball valves are really reliable and durable. Along with high-quality Italian taps, more and more pushed over in the trade cheap Polish,
Chinese and Turkish valves, whose quality is far from perfect? In the struggle for the vast US market, some sellers have begun to
distribute cheap “consumer goods” for branded products, quite simply to sell a fake, so I’d like to give some practical advice to buyers
’ brass ball valves. As a rule, forgery in performance is much inferior to the original products. Their use in water and heating systems
can lead to accidents and big material losses. Counterfeits can cause serious damage and human health.
Wright Valves BVT034D recognized world leader in designing and manufacturing valves water Italy is known for such major firms as Matca-
Norca, Wright Valves, Bugatti, Giacomini, RBM, Rastelli, Tiemme etc. Italian province of Brescia consists of a huge industrial zone, where
the hangars is fittings under the brand name companies from Germany, Britain, USA, UAE and dozens of other countries. In practice, up to
70% of all ball valves entering the world market, made in Italy, where the business is engaged in more than 2000 companies. Stiff
competition forces the firms to constantly improve its products and production technology. At the heart of high performance ball valves of
the best world producers is the perfection of their design, precise adherence to the requirements of production technology and strict
control of chemical composition of materials.
My goal is either a fake – under cover, used well-known brand, at minimal cost to create an external object like a fake. First, what
saves the underground businessmen, it is – raw. Shells taps and ball valves shall be manufactured from special grades of brass, the
chemical composition of which in USA are regulated by GOST and abroad – national standards. These standards include the copper content 57
-60%, zinc – up to 40%, lead within 0,8-2,2%. (Lead is required to make the brass surface hardness). Illegal vendors typically use non-
ferrous metals, the content of impurities which are not controlled. As a result, manufactured valves, the percentage of lead content in
which, studies show that reaches 5-7%. It is well known that an excess of lead in water is very harmful to health.
Another way of cheating customers – to use for the manufacture of shells cheaper metal – zinc. This is also the risk of
counterfeiting. valve of zinc has increased brittle and may crack on the mechanical and hydraulic influences. There are ball valves, made
from silumin (aluminum alloy). Their reliability is still lower. Savings metal induces dishonest manufacturers to produce the body taps
with wall thickness from 1 to 0,5 mm. This is extremely reduces their reliability. (For comparison, the standard valves manufacturers
Matca-Norca have a wall thickness of 2 mm).
Cases and Ball Valves in the products of leading manufacturers are made by hot pressing or hot forging. Manufacturers producing fake not
spent on buying such technology and its products are manufactured by casting. These products are characterized by an uneven surface of the
body, Conveyor Chain, may have a mixed structure of the material – with aerial shells and, consequently, low reliability. Ball valves
(balls) rigged valves are often not made of brass, and of transformer steel, coated or even without it. Steel balls quickly corrode and
cease to be leak proof. Failure to invest in the copper alloy brass faucet body makes it suspiciously easy. Steel ball compensates for this
lack of weight, masking the presence of thin-wall housing is unacceptable.
Ball – the heart of the valve. Leading manufacturers attach great importance to the quality of the surface of ball valves. Brass Balls
are diamond grinding, they applied anticorrosion coating of nickel or chromium. As a result, the ball gets a perfect mirror surface.
Symptom of products of low quality – a dim, muddy or rough surface of the ball.
It is useful to say how counterfeit valves masquerading as the original. One of the techniques – misspelling the names of famous
companies, such as, Bogati instead of Matca-Norca. Formally, this is not fake, because the original brand is not used. There are cases of
writing only the names of countries, for example, USA, instead of adopting a made in Italy. The distortion of the famous logo, placing it,
for example, not a diamond, but a square or a circle, also serves to confuse the buyer. Evidence of fraud may be the absence of any of the
markings required for specific manufacturers. The sale of gas valves, and found such a primitive form of deception, as replacement faucet
handles on native yellow – gas (gas valves are more expensive). Price savings may be too high, so choose the ball valves are safer from
the range of recognized brands.
The general consumer is difficult to distinguish a fake Launch x431 from the original. Here are some simple tips to help in some cases
this can be done. If you can not buy products directly from the distributor, you can contact him by phone and to clarify whether it is an
official supplier of your seller. All known manufacturers of ball valves have their own web pages. Of these, you can learn about the
mandatory labeling of attributes of products, design features, etc. Some manufacturers place the working drawings of its products. When you
’re all aware of the labeling, dimensions, weight and other attributes of your product, you will easily determine its authenticity.
From the original1checkvalve
Relying on technological innovation ball valve market
Longwan District of Wenzhou is located in Wenzhou Yongxing Austrian Valve Co., Ltd., in recent years, specializing in fine ball to go do the technological innovation of new products, and strive to build dedicated seal valve "Austrian workers" brand, so that "Olympic Valve" product to do more features and good quality, while pioneering innovation and independent R & D of new products, develop new domestic valve, in-house development of industry standard products so that ball valve products to expand the largest market , not only turned into a major project made a contribution to the valve, but also some key enterprise applications for supporting high-end valves, "Austrian Valve" quality reputation has been well known outside the industry. The face of the adverse effects of the international financial crisis, our valve industry how to eliminate negative impact on SMEs, the difficulties, against the current, it is common to face practical problems, Wenzhou Austrian Valve Co., Ltd. was brave to face the market, take the initiative out of the market and turn crises into opportunities, that "independent innovation and harmonious development" of new ideas, start from the adjustment of the internal product structure, to abandon the original valves to do the old low efficiency, and strive to do the fine valve products, the enterprise development Products made from the general to the direction of a single valve products, the implementation of product quality and specialization, to make specialty products, focusing on making a product series, the internal main product of the process, focus on improving product quality, the products do refined so special, a lot of backbone enterprises of the valve industry come to take the initiative to find and select products for their support, while making quality, but also adds support for the quality of the valve manufacturers reputation, improve product quality. After the enterprise product designed to do, and actively making product replacement, for their own development break a new path.
From the original1checkvalve
From the original1checkvalve
How to distinguish between various piece ball valves
How to distinguish between various piece ball valves?
Distinguish from the structure.
One-piece ball valve is
inside the ball, PTFE ring, lock nut composition, the ball slightly smaller diameter than the pipe diameter, similar to the Cantonese-style
Two-piece ball valve is composed of two parts; the seal is better than a ball valve, ball diameter and pipe the same diameter,
than a ball valve for easy disconnection.
Three-piece ball valve is composed of three parts; the middle of both sides of the valve
cover and valve body, three-piece ball valve is different from the two-piece ball valve ball valve and where is the demolition of
Distinguish from the pressure
Three-piece pressure is much higher than the one-and two ball valves.
Outside the main three-piece ball valve fixed by four bolts, fastening to play a good role. Casting pressure valve can be reached 1000psi
≈ 6.9MPa. Forging a higher pressure is necessary to use the body.
From the economic point of distinction
A ball valve as the main material is less than the other two categories,
best prices, and Cantonese use the same ball. Two ball valve prices is higher than a
style, three-piece body in a higher pressure capability consists of three parts, materials than the other two categories.
From the original1checkvalve
Distinguish from the structure.
One-piece ball valve is
inside the ball, PTFE ring, lock nut composition, the ball slightly smaller diameter than the pipe diameter, similar to the Cantonese-style
Two-piece ball valve is composed of two parts; the seal is better than a ball valve, ball diameter and pipe the same diameter,
than a ball valve for easy disconnection.
Three-piece ball valve is composed of three parts; the middle of both sides of the valve
cover and valve body, three-piece ball valve is different from the two-piece ball valve ball valve and where is the demolition of
Distinguish from the pressure
Three-piece pressure is much higher than the one-and two ball valves.
Outside the main three-piece ball valve fixed by four bolts, fastening to play a good role. Casting pressure valve can be reached 1000psi
≈ 6.9MPa. Forging a higher pressure is necessary to use the body.
From the economic point of distinction
A ball valve as the main material is less than the other two categories,
best prices, and Cantonese use the same ball. Two ball valve prices is higher than a
style, three-piece body in a higher pressure capability consists of three parts, materials than the other two categories.
From the original1checkvalve
PE ball valve for gas pipelines
1 Overview
Underground gas pipe network in the city system, polyethylene (PE) pipes are more and more applications. As with life,
with the performance, welding is simple, good sealing performance, easy to use ball valve
of polyethylene pipes have been indispensable to the control as more and more use of components and attention.
2, material selection
Polyethylene is a thermoplastic engineering plastic material, has certain strength, stiffness, toughness,
impact resistance, corrosion resistance and wears resistance. By controlling the polymerization process and in the polymerization by adding
a certain amount of co monomer, you can adjust or improve the performance of polyethylene material. Therefore, advanced polymerization
process or a direct result of differences in material properties. For long-term safe operation of pipeline systems, gas pipes, fittings and
valves must be graded according to the type of material Pipe Compound (PE80, PE100), and mixed ingredients, can not use the master batch.
Material color is generally black and yellow.
3, type structure
Polyethylene gas valve with the valve is generally divided into small polyethylene valve (SD63 below) and large
polyethylene valves (SD63 or more, with SD63). No small polyethylene valves generally bleeding mouth, large polyethylene valve can be used
according to need no, set one or set two elution mouths.
4 Features
(1) Resistant to corrosion. Polyethylene is inert material, except for a few strong oxidants, can be resistant to the
erosion of a variety of chemical media. Electrochemical corrosion-free, no coating.
(2) No leakage. Polyethylene brass ball valve body and the end of the connection pipe connecting part mainly fusion (fusing connection or
fused connection), weld width, sealing performance. Type joints with rubber rings or other mechanical joints compared to joints do not
exist because of the risk of distortion caused by external leakage.
(3) High toughness. Polyethylene is a highly ductile material, the
elongation at break generally more than 500%, based on management’s ability to adapt to uneven settlement is very strong. Is also a good
seismic performance of the pipeline?
(4) Long life. Polyethylene materials can be used more than 50 years, which is foreign to the
tensile strength based on polyethylene pipe loop hydrostatic design basis of long-term value (HDB) identified, already recognized by
international standards.
(5) to facilitate construction. Polyethylene valves and light weight compared to metal valves, easy to
install. Open and close easily, the operating torque is small. For the full bore valve, the pressure loss.
5, application
High pressure polyethylene pipe should be set on the charge of sub-polyethylene valve and the valve should be on
both sides of the elution tube. High pressure polyethylene gas pipe branch should be set at the starting point of polyethylene valves, set
the diffuse unilateral control. PE ball valve is mainly density polyethylene pipe buried in the package, cut off all gas transmission and
media streaming. The valve can be buried in the ground, just install a simple sheath, opening and closing seat accessories, you can use a
special wrench to perform opening and closing operations on the ground, polyethylene ball valve for the media to meet the national standard
gas purification , liquefied petroleum gas and artificial gas.
6 Conclusions
PE ball
valve opening and closing of the torque, the valve no corrosion, no maintenance and repair, the service life of 50 years to
improve the integrity of polyethylene pipe network system. The overall style of the body, eliminating the possibility of leakage,
polyethylene, polyethylene pipe connected with the ball, no need to set the valve shaft, buried construction, the body can use the butt end
of pipe welding method of welding or electrical connections, valves, The opening and closing operations on the ground than the overall
economic efficiency of conventional metal ball about 2 times higher. Polyethylene pipe with excellent performance, with the polyethylene
material for further research and development, polyethylene pipes and valves have better applications.
From the original1checkvalve
Underground gas pipe network in the city system, polyethylene (PE) pipes are more and more applications. As with life,
with the performance, welding is simple, good sealing performance, easy to use ball valve
of polyethylene pipes have been indispensable to the control as more and more use of components and attention.
2, material selection
Polyethylene is a thermoplastic engineering plastic material, has certain strength, stiffness, toughness,
impact resistance, corrosion resistance and wears resistance. By controlling the polymerization process and in the polymerization by adding
a certain amount of co monomer, you can adjust or improve the performance of polyethylene material. Therefore, advanced polymerization
process or a direct result of differences in material properties. For long-term safe operation of pipeline systems, gas pipes, fittings and
valves must be graded according to the type of material Pipe Compound (PE80, PE100), and mixed ingredients, can not use the master batch.
Material color is generally black and yellow.
3, type structure
Polyethylene gas valve with the valve is generally divided into small polyethylene valve (SD63 below) and large
polyethylene valves (SD63 or more, with SD63). No small polyethylene valves generally bleeding mouth, large polyethylene valve can be used
according to need no, set one or set two elution mouths.
4 Features
(1) Resistant to corrosion. Polyethylene is inert material, except for a few strong oxidants, can be resistant to the
erosion of a variety of chemical media. Electrochemical corrosion-free, no coating.
(2) No leakage. Polyethylene brass ball valve body and the end of the connection pipe connecting part mainly fusion (fusing connection or
fused connection), weld width, sealing performance. Type joints with rubber rings or other mechanical joints compared to joints do not
exist because of the risk of distortion caused by external leakage.
(3) High toughness. Polyethylene is a highly ductile material, the
elongation at break generally more than 500%, based on management’s ability to adapt to uneven settlement is very strong. Is also a good
seismic performance of the pipeline?
(4) Long life. Polyethylene materials can be used more than 50 years, which is foreign to the
tensile strength based on polyethylene pipe loop hydrostatic design basis of long-term value (HDB) identified, already recognized by
international standards.
(5) to facilitate construction. Polyethylene valves and light weight compared to metal valves, easy to
install. Open and close easily, the operating torque is small. For the full bore valve, the pressure loss.
5, application
High pressure polyethylene pipe should be set on the charge of sub-polyethylene valve and the valve should be on
both sides of the elution tube. High pressure polyethylene gas pipe branch should be set at the starting point of polyethylene valves, set
the diffuse unilateral control. PE ball valve is mainly density polyethylene pipe buried in the package, cut off all gas transmission and
media streaming. The valve can be buried in the ground, just install a simple sheath, opening and closing seat accessories, you can use a
special wrench to perform opening and closing operations on the ground, polyethylene ball valve for the media to meet the national standard
gas purification , liquefied petroleum gas and artificial gas.
6 Conclusions
PE ball
valve opening and closing of the torque, the valve no corrosion, no maintenance and repair, the service life of 50 years to
improve the integrity of polyethylene pipe network system. The overall style of the body, eliminating the possibility of leakage,
polyethylene, polyethylene pipe connected with the ball, no need to set the valve shaft, buried construction, the body can use the butt end
of pipe welding method of welding or electrical connections, valves, The opening and closing operations on the ground than the overall
economic efficiency of conventional metal ball about 2 times higher. Polyethylene pipe with excellent performance, with the polyethylene
material for further research and development, polyethylene pipes and valves have better applications.
From the original1checkvalve
Stainless Steel Threaded Globe Valve
Quick DetailsStandard or Nonstandard: Standard
Structure: Stop Pressure: Medium Pressure
Power: Manual
Material: Stainless Steel
Temperature of Media: Medium Temperature
Media: Gas
Port Size: 1/2”–40”
Place of Origin: Zhejiang China (Mainland)
certificate: ISO API CE AZ
Packaging ; DeliveryPackaging Detail: Plywood Case
Delivery Detail According to the order quantity
Specificationspressure class 150-2500lb.
size NPS1/2–40
connection flanged thread SW BW
Globe ball valve,carbon steel globe valve,stainless steel globe valve,duplex steel globe valve,alloy steel globe valveflange(RF or RTJ) globe valve,butt welded(BW) globe valve,pressure seal globe valve,Y type globe valve,high pressure;temperature globe valve,ANSI globe gate valve,API globe valve,JIS globe valve,power plant globe valve.
Used for power plant or high temperature area,steam gas,oil.
1) Design standards: E101,ANSI B16.34,BS1873
2) Inspection and test standards: API 598, E101
3) Face-to-face standards: ANSI 16.10,E101
4) Connection standards: ASME / ANSI B16.5, ASME / ANSI B16.25,E101
4) Flange standards: ANSI B16.5 / ANSI B16.47
5) Size: 1/2″-18″, full bore or reduced ball.
6) Class: 150 -3,500lbs
7) Temperature: -198 – 650 C
main material: Alternative body and trim materials are available
(1) Body/bonnet: WCB/WCC/LCB / WC6 / WC9 / CF8 / CF8M / CF3 / CF3M /MONEL / CN7M
(2) Trim: 13% Cr / LF2 / F304 / F316 / C5 / WC6 / WC9 / CF3 /
CF3M / CF8 / CF8M / F304 / F304L / F6 / C5
9) Sealing: soft sealing or metal-to-metal seat, flexible graphite
10) Operation: manual, pneumatic, electric, hydraulic and.
From the original1checkvalve
Bestobell – World leaders in cryogenic valve design
A pioneering range of Pneumatic Actuated Gate Valves, with the sealing performance of a globevalve but the flow
characteristics of full bore specification, has been launched by Bestobell. The new tyre-type actuated Emergency Shut Off Gate Valve in
sizes DN40 to DN80 is described as a real step forward in cryogenic valve design, and has been developed by Bestobell in
response to widespread market demand. It combines the design features that have made the manual gate valve the preferred type for many of
the world’s cryogenic road trailers, with the proven advantages of the tyre-type pneumatic actuator. Traditionally globe valves have been
favoured by cryogenic storage tank builders and industrial gas companies to ensure tight shut off. Conversely, the gate valve, despite its
greater flow capabilities, has been unpopular due to the unreliable sealing capabilities of available products, as well as installation and
maintenance issues. However, the unique lapped finish on the Bestobell Gate Valve’s seat means excellent sealing performance comparable to
that of a globe valve. Kevin Fretwell, Bestobell Valves’ Technical Director said, ‘We believe this product will become the preferred
solution for the emergency shut off valve required on cryogenic road trailers in most countries.’ Proven track record Over the last five
years, Bestobell manual gate valves have become the preferred choice of many of the world’s most successful trailer
builders. More recently, the Bestobell gate valve is being used with great success in other nontraditional applications, such as top and
bottom fill valve duties on trailers, static tanks, as well as LNG satellite plants.
Kevin Fretwell added, ‘This valve has created a real win-win situation for the cryogenics industry. Superior flow rates mean cryogenic
trailers can now be filled and emptied at far greater speed, meaning much better utilization of assets. And on the DN50-DN80 sizes, we’ve
reduced downtime even further by including in the design a body seat that is removed from the valve body with the headworks. With
conventional gate valves, if the critical valve seat-face is
damaged the only solution is to cut the valve body from the pipework. But with the Bestobell Gate Valve you simply remove the headworks,
replace the seat and re-install – simple, fast and cost effective. For many years the tyre-type pneumatic actuator has been used
predominantly by the industry due to its compact and robust design, and clear method of indicating open and close positions. Indeed, many
engineers now view it as the industry standard. The Bestobell Cryogenic Emergency Shut Off Gate Valve now includes this design and offers a
single convoluted Air Spring Actuator of rubber construction. It also includes a manual override facility fitted as standard. Now for the
first time, these two industry-proven solutions have been combined in this Bestobell Cryogenic Gate Valve, ideal for
emergency shut off applications. Bestobell Valves is a world leader in the design and manufacture of cryogenic valves, recognised globally
for product quality and innovation. Bestobell valves are used with numerous cryogenic liquefied gases including oxygen, carbon dioxide,
nitrogen, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and argon.
From the original1checkvalve
characteristics of full bore specification, has been launched by Bestobell. The new tyre-type actuated Emergency Shut Off Gate Valve in
sizes DN40 to DN80 is described as a real step forward in cryogenic valve design, and has been developed by Bestobell in
response to widespread market demand. It combines the design features that have made the manual gate valve the preferred type for many of
the world’s cryogenic road trailers, with the proven advantages of the tyre-type pneumatic actuator. Traditionally globe valves have been
favoured by cryogenic storage tank builders and industrial gas companies to ensure tight shut off. Conversely, the gate valve, despite its
greater flow capabilities, has been unpopular due to the unreliable sealing capabilities of available products, as well as installation and
maintenance issues. However, the unique lapped finish on the Bestobell Gate Valve’s seat means excellent sealing performance comparable to
that of a globe valve. Kevin Fretwell, Bestobell Valves’ Technical Director said, ‘We believe this product will become the preferred
solution for the emergency shut off valve required on cryogenic road trailers in most countries.’ Proven track record Over the last five
years, Bestobell manual gate valves have become the preferred choice of many of the world’s most successful trailer
builders. More recently, the Bestobell gate valve is being used with great success in other nontraditional applications, such as top and
bottom fill valve duties on trailers, static tanks, as well as LNG satellite plants.
Kevin Fretwell added, ‘This valve has created a real win-win situation for the cryogenics industry. Superior flow rates mean cryogenic
trailers can now be filled and emptied at far greater speed, meaning much better utilization of assets. And on the DN50-DN80 sizes, we’ve
reduced downtime even further by including in the design a body seat that is removed from the valve body with the headworks. With
conventional gate valves, if the critical valve seat-face is
damaged the only solution is to cut the valve body from the pipework. But with the Bestobell Gate Valve you simply remove the headworks,
replace the seat and re-install – simple, fast and cost effective. For many years the tyre-type pneumatic actuator has been used
predominantly by the industry due to its compact and robust design, and clear method of indicating open and close positions. Indeed, many
engineers now view it as the industry standard. The Bestobell Cryogenic Emergency Shut Off Gate Valve now includes this design and offers a
single convoluted Air Spring Actuator of rubber construction. It also includes a manual override facility fitted as standard. Now for the
first time, these two industry-proven solutions have been combined in this Bestobell Cryogenic Gate Valve, ideal for
emergency shut off applications. Bestobell Valves is a world leader in the design and manufacture of cryogenic valves, recognised globally
for product quality and innovation. Bestobell valves are used with numerous cryogenic liquefied gases including oxygen, carbon dioxide,
nitrogen, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and argon.
From the original1checkvalve
Forged Brass Ball Valve
Quick Details
Standard or Nonstandard:
Structure: Ball
Pressure: Medium Pressure
Power: Manual Material: Brass Temperature of Media: Medium
Media: Water Port Size: 1/4–4 Place of Origin: Zhejiang China (Mainland)
Model Number: MKC Brand Name:
MAC surface: nickel
Packaging & Delivery Packaging Detail: 1) the package standard: standard export carton, box. 2) If
customer has special requirement. It is available to provide the colorful package against the design of customer.
Delivery Detail
Brass ball valve
Model: mkc
Certificate: ISO9001, CE
Material: brass body, brass ball, aluminum butterfly
Brass ball valve
1) Model: much
2) Size: 1/4″-4″
3) Standard: full port
4) Temperature: -30<t<120
Threaded: iso228/1
6) Opening /closing tests: 20000times
Anti-OXYGEN glue applied to join body &bonnet
Suitable medium:
water, non-causticity liquid, saturated steam.
NO.: Component
Material: 1Body: C37700
2 Bonnet: C37700
3 Ball: C37700
4 Seat Ring: Teflon
Stem: C37700
6 Packing Rings: Teflon
7 Washer: C37700
8 Handle: Steel & Aluminums
9 Nut: Steel
Ball valve is bottom loaded stem designed, this anti-blow-out stem also prevents tempering
With the internals of the
valve when in the line;
The ball valve has a double seal with elastic O-RINGS
chosen for their high resistance to ageing.
Perfect seal at low and high pressure and wear resistant, solid and reliable for life-time
From the original1checkvalve
Ball valve manufacturing overall market forecast
China has 500 million yuan output value of 773 of the ball valve manufacturer, accounting for about 70% of the valve output. According to the Chinese Valve Association President juice, 773 enterprises in 2005 amounted to 25.935 billion yuan sales afternoon, the valve can be presumed to 2005 the output value of 36.144 billion yuan nationwide. More than 20 exploration and experts to access information, in accordance with their pre-lunch side of the valve sales in China in 2010 amounted to 6.736 billion yuan.
From the original1checkvalve
From the original1checkvalve
Check valve flow?
which way does the air flow in the vacuum line (under the intake
manifold) that goes from the throttle body to the solenoid valve (over
the air box)?When I replaced the PCV system (Thanks to the information found in this
site) I noticed that the check valve under the intake manifold was
pointing from the EVAP canister to the throttle body (that’s the way VW
built the engine because the line still had those one-time use hose
clamps); though the vacuum line diagram printed on the car says that the
air (vacuum, I don’t know) flow is supposed to go from the throttle
body to the EVAP canister (solenoid valve).
I had a CEL (P0171) that fixed a few days ago; it was a “vacuum line
leak” (in the line before mentioned). I followed the directions on the
vacuum line diagram on the car and put the check valve in the way it’s
supposed to be. Now, I have another CEL (P0441) which is a faulty
solenoid valve (part of the same vacuum line) and I’m wondering if I’m
getting the CEL due to the switch in the flow in this particular check
From the originalcheckvalve
manifold) that goes from the throttle body to the solenoid valve (over
the air box)?When I replaced the PCV system (Thanks to the information found in this
site) I noticed that the check valve under the intake manifold was
pointing from the EVAP canister to the throttle body (that’s the way VW
built the engine because the line still had those one-time use hose
clamps); though the vacuum line diagram printed on the car says that the
air (vacuum, I don’t know) flow is supposed to go from the throttle
body to the EVAP canister (solenoid valve).
I had a CEL (P0171) that fixed a few days ago; it was a “vacuum line
leak” (in the line before mentioned). I followed the directions on the
vacuum line diagram on the car and put the check valve in the way it’s
supposed to be. Now, I have another CEL (P0441) which is a faulty
solenoid valve (part of the same vacuum line) and I’m wondering if I’m
getting the CEL due to the switch in the flow in this particular check
From the originalcheckvalve
How to Check Valve Stem Caps
A valve stem cap keeps debris out of the valve stem which could cause
the valve stem core to fail. The cap is removed to check air pressure
and to inflate or deflate the tire. Some caps come with a pin on the top
of the cap that can untwist or At Provoscooter you will find a growing selection of performance and
stock replacement parts for your scooter. Our focus at Provoscooter is
providing performance parts and support to the 50cc - 150cc scooter
performance market. To help all our visitors find the products and
information they need we have many resources that will be of service to
you in your quest to get your scooter running just right!
If you are a returning visitor to Provoscooter, you will notice that we have undergone many changes over the last little while.We apologize for this inconvenience. We hope that these upgrades globe valve will
improve your shopping experience with us, and make it easier for you to
find what you are looking for.
From the originalcheckvalve
the valve stem core to fail. The cap is removed to check air pressure
and to inflate or deflate the tire. Some caps come with a pin on the top
of the cap that can untwist or At Provoscooter you will find a growing selection of performance and
stock replacement parts for your scooter. Our focus at Provoscooter is
providing performance parts and support to the 50cc - 150cc scooter
performance market. To help all our visitors find the products and
information they need we have many resources that will be of service to
you in your quest to get your scooter running just right!
If you are a returning visitor to Provoscooter, you will notice that we have undergone many changes over the last little while.We apologize for this inconvenience. We hope that these upgrades globe valve will
improve your shopping experience with us, and make it easier for you to
find what you are looking for.
From the originalcheckvalve
China Crane Wafer Check Valve
The ISA bus was developed by a team lead by Mark Dean at IBM as part of
the IBM PC project in 1981. It originated as an 8-bit system and was
extended in 1983 for the XT system architecture. The newer 16-bit
standard, the IBM AT bus, was introduced in 1984. In 1988, the Gang of
Nine IBM PC compatible manufacturers put forth the 32-bit EISA standard
and in the process retroactively renamed the AT bus to "ISA" to avoid
infringing IBM's trademark on its PC/AT computer. IBM designed the 8-bit
version as a check valve buffered interface to the external bus of the Intel 8088
(16/8 bit) CPU used in the original IBM PC and PC/XT, and the 16-bit
version as an upgrade for the external bus of the Intel 80286 CPU used
in the IBM AT. Therefore, the ISA bus was synchronous with the CPU
clock, until sophisticated buffering methods were developed and
implemented by chipsets to interface ISA to much faster CPUs.
to connect peripheral cards to the motherboard, ISA allows for bus
mastering although only the first 16 MB of main memory are available for
direct access. The 8-bit bus ran at 4.77 MHz (the clock speed of the
IBM PC and IBM PC/XT's 8088 CPU), while the 16-bit bus operated at 6 or 8
MHz (because the 80286 CPUs in IBM PC/AT computers ran at 6 MHz in
early models and 8 MHz in later models.) IBM RT/PC also used the 16-bit
bus. It was also available on some non-IBM compatible machines such as
the short-lived AT&T Hobbit and later PowerPC based BeBox.
Madge 4/16Mbps TokenRing ISA NIC.
Ethernet 10Base-5/2 ISA NIC.
1987, IBM moved to replace the AT bus with their proprietary Micro
Channel Architecture (MCA) in an effort to regain control of the PC
architecture and the PC market. (Note the relationship between the IBM
term "I/O Channel" for the AT-bus and the name "Micro Channel" for IBM's
intended replacement.) MCA had many features that would later appear in
PCI, the successor of ISA, but MCA was a closed standard, unlike ISA
(PC-bus and AT-bus) for which IBM had released full specifications and
even circuit schematics. The system was far more advanced than the AT
bus, and computer manufacturers responded with the Extended Industry
Standard Architecture (EISA) and later, the VESA Local Bus (VLB). In
fact, VLB used some electronic parts originally intended for MCA because
component manufacturers already were equipped to manufacture them. Both
EISA and VLB were backwards-compatible expansions of the AT (ISA) bus.
From the originalcheckvalve
the IBM PC project in 1981. It originated as an 8-bit system and was
extended in 1983 for the XT system architecture. The newer 16-bit
standard, the IBM AT bus, was introduced in 1984. In 1988, the Gang of
Nine IBM PC compatible manufacturers put forth the 32-bit EISA standard
and in the process retroactively renamed the AT bus to "ISA" to avoid
infringing IBM's trademark on its PC/AT computer. IBM designed the 8-bit
version as a check valve buffered interface to the external bus of the Intel 8088
(16/8 bit) CPU used in the original IBM PC and PC/XT, and the 16-bit
version as an upgrade for the external bus of the Intel 80286 CPU used
in the IBM AT. Therefore, the ISA bus was synchronous with the CPU
clock, until sophisticated buffering methods were developed and
implemented by chipsets to interface ISA to much faster CPUs.
to connect peripheral cards to the motherboard, ISA allows for bus
mastering although only the first 16 MB of main memory are available for
direct access. The 8-bit bus ran at 4.77 MHz (the clock speed of the
IBM PC and IBM PC/XT's 8088 CPU), while the 16-bit bus operated at 6 or 8
MHz (because the 80286 CPUs in IBM PC/AT computers ran at 6 MHz in
early models and 8 MHz in later models.) IBM RT/PC also used the 16-bit
bus. It was also available on some non-IBM compatible machines such as
the short-lived AT&T Hobbit and later PowerPC based BeBox.
Madge 4/16Mbps TokenRing ISA NIC.
Ethernet 10Base-5/2 ISA NIC.
1987, IBM moved to replace the AT bus with their proprietary Micro
Channel Architecture (MCA) in an effort to regain control of the PC
architecture and the PC market. (Note the relationship between the IBM
term "I/O Channel" for the AT-bus and the name "Micro Channel" for IBM's
intended replacement.) MCA had many features that would later appear in
PCI, the successor of ISA, but MCA was a closed standard, unlike ISA
(PC-bus and AT-bus) for which IBM had released full specifications and
even circuit schematics. The system was far more advanced than the AT
bus, and computer manufacturers responded with the Extended Industry
Standard Architecture (EISA) and later, the VESA Local Bus (VLB). In
fact, VLB used some electronic parts originally intended for MCA because
component manufacturers already were equipped to manufacture them. Both
EISA and VLB were backwards-compatible expansions of the AT (ISA) bus.
From the originalcheckvalve
On-Off Valve or Control Valve ?
I'm currently working in a Gas Processing design and I'm a little bit confused in one subject.
So here is the case
have two Feed Gas Scrubbers (upstream and downstream of Compressor).
The Feed Gas is normally in 100% vapor form (no liquid flashing
Bottom of these scrubbers will be discharged to close
drain vessel. Each of them have a control valve installed to control
the liquid level in the vessel.
As I mentioned before that the
Feed Gas stream normally contain no liquids, what will be the best
design for the control valve, an on-off valve OR a controlling one ?
The on-off valve will be opened if the liquid level reach HLL, then emptying the liquid until it reaches LLL in 3-5 minutes.
Control Valve that will maintain the level of liquid in the vessel ?
It really depends on your level controller. If you are trying to maintain the fluid level in a narrow range and have a throttling level controller (like a CEMCO), then you want a valve that reacts to a variable signal (i.e., a control valve). If you have a snap-acting controller then it is going to send a signal on an event (i.e., the float reaches the end of travel) and you want an on/off valve.
Many applications that would have been throttling in the past are going to on/off because of fugitive emissions concerns. A common way to do throttling is to have a continuous bleed that is throttled as the float moves up and down, sending a lower pressure signal to the control valve. This bleed is not a small amount of gas, so if you are using process gas for your control stream then you are putting that gas into the atmosphere. On the other hand if you are using control air there is an energy cost to the bleed stream.
Some control valves, often called dump valves are designed for nearly
dry vessels. Any control valve would require tight shutoff. Also you
don't want a throttling valve to operate much really near the
seat. Thus the controller could include gap action that does nothing
until some percentage then opens and throttles until near the seat then
closes. Several options exist.
From the originalcheckvalve
So here is the case
have two Feed Gas Scrubbers (upstream and downstream of Compressor).
The Feed Gas is normally in 100% vapor form (no liquid flashing
Bottom of these scrubbers will be discharged to close
drain vessel. Each of them have a control valve installed to control
the liquid level in the vessel.
As I mentioned before that the
Feed Gas stream normally contain no liquids, what will be the best
design for the control valve, an on-off valve OR a controlling one ?
The on-off valve will be opened if the liquid level reach HLL, then emptying the liquid until it reaches LLL in 3-5 minutes.
Control Valve that will maintain the level of liquid in the vessel ?
It really depends on your level controller. If you are trying to maintain the fluid level in a narrow range and have a throttling level controller (like a CEMCO), then you want a valve that reacts to a variable signal (i.e., a control valve). If you have a snap-acting controller then it is going to send a signal on an event (i.e., the float reaches the end of travel) and you want an on/off valve.
Many applications that would have been throttling in the past are going to on/off because of fugitive emissions concerns. A common way to do throttling is to have a continuous bleed that is throttled as the float moves up and down, sending a lower pressure signal to the control valve. This bleed is not a small amount of gas, so if you are using process gas for your control stream then you are putting that gas into the atmosphere. On the other hand if you are using control air there is an energy cost to the bleed stream.
Some control valves, often called dump valves are designed for nearly
dry vessels. Any control valve would require tight shutoff. Also you
don't want a throttling valve to operate much really near the
seat. Thus the controller could include gap action that does nothing
until some percentage then opens and throttles until near the seat then
closes. Several options exist.
From the originalcheckvalve
Force main Modification
The lift station consists of a 8' x 40' Wet well containing two
Fairbanks Morse 4" 5435 MV w/ 12.6 Impellers discharging through two 6"
American Flow Control 50-SC Check Valves to a 10" C-900 Force main.There
are 5 separate ARV's located along the 5,600 ft force main at various
locations. The over all elevation change from the pump station discharge
to the discharge into the gravity system is around 113 feet.
Morning thinkers :) I wanted to give you some of the technical blah
blah before I got started with the question. I am currently working on a
project that has experienced 4 separate force main failures. The
failures being broken 10" pipe. The fractures have been along the pipe
and never at the bell. (That's right not the bell) The splits are always
located on the bottom of the pipe. The pipe that was removed was sent
to private labs to test and the pipe is fine. The second thing that was
done was the 3 ARV's located closest to the pump where replaced do to
excessive debris. (Municipality maintained) (sheesh).
A monitor
was placed at one of the ARV manholes and we sat on it for one month.
The measurements never got over 85 PSI. The employer is wanting to have
(GA) soft close check valves installed in place of the AFC 50-SC's and
two additional inline check valves (Also GA. The pumps will be pulled
and new 13.74 Impellers will be fitted. I personally feel like the
Inline check valves are over kill because I feel the issue was located
in the poor maintenance of the ARV's. How ever. My question is do you
think that the addition of the inline check valves coupled with the head
pressure will pose a problem for the pumps even with the New Impeller
You didn't mention the working pressure allowed on the pipe. Long
splitting would tend to point to radial pressure, rather than
longitudinal stress being the cause, which I would presume would
manifest as joint separation.
If that's true, then one might also
suspect high transient pressure spikes too fast for an unspecialized
pressure monitor to catch. Well, that's my best guess and I'll stick to
it until proven otherwise. I would point to a cause by air in the
line, esp. given you've had
ARV problems, the air compressing and
driving water columns rapidly when demand is quickly increased
downstream, perhaps enough to cause high velocity head pressures when
the rapidly moving water colums eventually come to a stop again.
you check to see if the breaks were in conjunction with a pump start or
stop, or a major valve opening or closing quickly, each of which would
also indicate transient pressure causes, but not from air entrainment,
just fast velocity changes in the piping.
I would tend to think
that inline pressure-balancing check valves would be more effective on
pump starts and valve closings rather than compressed air driven
velocity surges, which in that case, you should think about doing more
maintaining on those ARVs.
Regarding "Isn't starting and stopping against a slowly closing/opening
shutoff valve much more reliable and cost efficient than taking a 5%
power cut over all operating ranges caused by use of a VFD?"
the piping is not designed for the anticipated operating pressures, he
may be forced to use a VFD in order to control the pressure spikes
force main is normally pumping sewage not clean water. It will be
difficult to find a slowly closing/opening shutoff valve that is
suitable for such sewage service. Such a vlave is normally used on clean
water service without problems.
I would expect that this installation also has a standby power system.
From the originalcheckvalve
Fairbanks Morse 4" 5435 MV w/ 12.6 Impellers discharging through two 6"
American Flow Control 50-SC Check Valves to a 10" C-900 Force main.There
are 5 separate ARV's located along the 5,600 ft force main at various
locations. The over all elevation change from the pump station discharge
to the discharge into the gravity system is around 113 feet.
Morning thinkers :) I wanted to give you some of the technical blah
blah before I got started with the question. I am currently working on a
project that has experienced 4 separate force main failures. The
failures being broken 10" pipe. The fractures have been along the pipe
and never at the bell. (That's right not the bell) The splits are always
located on the bottom of the pipe. The pipe that was removed was sent
to private labs to test and the pipe is fine. The second thing that was
done was the 3 ARV's located closest to the pump where replaced do to
excessive debris. (Municipality maintained) (sheesh).
A monitor
was placed at one of the ARV manholes and we sat on it for one month.
The measurements never got over 85 PSI. The employer is wanting to have
(GA) soft close check valves installed in place of the AFC 50-SC's and
two additional inline check valves (Also GA. The pumps will be pulled
and new 13.74 Impellers will be fitted. I personally feel like the
Inline check valves are over kill because I feel the issue was located
in the poor maintenance of the ARV's. How ever. My question is do you
think that the addition of the inline check valves coupled with the head
pressure will pose a problem for the pumps even with the New Impeller
You didn't mention the working pressure allowed on the pipe. Long
splitting would tend to point to radial pressure, rather than
longitudinal stress being the cause, which I would presume would
manifest as joint separation.
If that's true, then one might also
suspect high transient pressure spikes too fast for an unspecialized
pressure monitor to catch. Well, that's my best guess and I'll stick to
it until proven otherwise. I would point to a cause by air in the
line, esp. given you've had
ARV problems, the air compressing and
driving water columns rapidly when demand is quickly increased
downstream, perhaps enough to cause high velocity head pressures when
the rapidly moving water colums eventually come to a stop again.
you check to see if the breaks were in conjunction with a pump start or
stop, or a major valve opening or closing quickly, each of which would
also indicate transient pressure causes, but not from air entrainment,
just fast velocity changes in the piping.
I would tend to think
that inline pressure-balancing check valves would be more effective on
pump starts and valve closings rather than compressed air driven
velocity surges, which in that case, you should think about doing more
maintaining on those ARVs.
Regarding "Isn't starting and stopping against a slowly closing/opening
shutoff valve much more reliable and cost efficient than taking a 5%
power cut over all operating ranges caused by use of a VFD?"
the piping is not designed for the anticipated operating pressures, he
may be forced to use a VFD in order to control the pressure spikes
force main is normally pumping sewage not clean water. It will be
difficult to find a slowly closing/opening shutoff valve that is
suitable for such sewage service. Such a vlave is normally used on clean
water service without problems.
I would expect that this installation also has a standby power system.
From the originalcheckvalve
Additional Cost for Fugitive Emission Requirment
Any idea about the expected % increase in valve prices as a result of compliance to ISO-15848.
please note that ISO 15848 standard consists of two parts: part 1 is about valve design qualification by means of type tests, while part 2 deals with production testing (of valves whose design has already been qualified to part 1).
maybe you can save money (and time) if you buy valves(ball valve) which have been
qualified already (if they have to type test frome the beginning, they
will try to charge the type testing costs, or part of them, to you...),
so that you may want production tests only, that are much simpler and
I doubt there exists any such thing before you make it yourself for your
own variabel conditions, every one of them changing constantly over
variabels being such things as:
pressure class
am not sure there even is a large difference if the valve else requiers
a certain quality level, or if your company has a first class
experienced purchaser....
However I think I see the reason for
your question. Best way would probably be to ask for bidding or
preliminary pricing for full qualified valves and a possible discount,
if any, for valves without this issue. A full test certificate point for
each valve less could possibly be part of such a discount, but you will
have to ask!
From the originalcheckvalve
please note that ISO 15848 standard consists of two parts: part 1 is about valve design qualification by means of type tests, while part 2 deals with production testing (of valves whose design has already been qualified to part 1).
maybe you can save money (and time) if you buy valves(ball valve) which have been
qualified already (if they have to type test frome the beginning, they
will try to charge the type testing costs, or part of them, to you...),
so that you may want production tests only, that are much simpler and
I doubt there exists any such thing before you make it yourself for your
own variabel conditions, every one of them changing constantly over
variabels being such things as:
pressure class
am not sure there even is a large difference if the valve else requiers
a certain quality level, or if your company has a first class
experienced purchaser....
However I think I see the reason for
your question. Best way would probably be to ask for bidding or
preliminary pricing for full qualified valves and a possible discount,
if any, for valves without this issue. A full test certificate point for
each valve less could possibly be part of such a discount, but you will
have to ask!
From the originalcheckvalve
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