
Swing Check Valve Manufacturer

Creating malleable iron was begun in the United States in 1826 when Seth
Boyden started a foundry for the production of harness hardware and
other small castings.
Castability, heat treating and post-casting operations

Like other similar irons with the carbon formed into spherical or
nodular shapes, malleable iron exhibits good ductility. Incorrectly
considered by some to be an "old" or "dead" material, malleable iron
still has a legitimate place in the design engineer's toolbox. Malleable
is a good choice for small castings or castings with thin cross
sections (less than 0.25 inch).Other
nodular irons produced with graphite in the spherical shape can be
difficult to produce in these applications due to the formation of
carbides from the check valve rapid cooling.Malleable iron also exhibits good
fracture toughness properties in low temperature environments better
than other nodular irons due to its lower silicon content. The ductile
to brittle transformation temperature is lower than many other ductile
iron alloys.

From the originalcheckValve

